When we are talking about a strategy in investing, it is often perceived as a mechanism for generating a buy signal. In fact, this is not the most critical aspect in the entire investment process. Today I am pleased to invite you to an interview I had with Tom Basso – a practitioner with almost 50 years of market experience. He is a well-known person in the industry, especially if someone is interested in trend-following strategies.

In the background of our discussion is Tom’s latest book, The All-Weather Trader.

In addition to discussing the strategies used by Tom, we talk about passive investing. Tom is not a fan of this approach, so I ask why.

In this episode

  • How many years of experience on the market does Tom already have?
  • What’s inside “The All-Weather Trader” book. 
  • What’s the All-Weather approach in trading?
  • What is a complete trading strategy? (based on Chapter 4)
  • What are the differences between buy&hold long-only stocks portfolio vs. a managed-futures portfolio?
  • The mental side of trading – why should we care about the mental aspects?
  • What does Tom think about ETFs replicating managed-futures funds?

Useful links

Download System Trader

  • Design your portfolio based on the built-in strategies
  • Adjust strategies to meet your needs
  • Test portfolio on historical data
  • Get recent market data from free sources
  • Invest following a plan rather than emotions

1 comment add your comment

  1. Hi Tom,
    I know I should not really ask but I’m new to trading and do not have much fund, only approx £7000, and I would like access to your ETR Trading Tools for Excel but I cannot afford to purchase it. Any chance that you can let me have limited access to the spreadsheet to see if I can use it (or not). I’ve reached retirement age and rely on State Pension to survive on. I’m based in UK.
    Hope you’ll help…

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