๐Ÿ”Š STS 018 โ€“ Rick Ferri: Why should most investors invest passively?

Rick Ferri, a guest of today’s episode, is a well-known person in the investment industry for years. He is a retired US Marine and fighter pilot. He worked as a broker and portfolio manager in an investment company and got the CFA title. Currently, he works mainly as a consultant in the area of cheap index investing. Rick is also the author of numerous books for investors and the host of the Bogleheads podcast, which is for anyone looking for a smart approach to investing and personal finance.

In this episode, we talk about the philosophy of index investing proposed by Jack Bogle, founder of Vanguard. You will learn about the reasons why Rick proposes to invest through cheap index funds and ETFs. Rick also explains how to approach building a portfolio step by step. I ask my guest, among other things, what will happen when everyone starts to invest passively.

In this episode

  • Who’s Rick?
  • How can military experience be used on investment ground?
  • Why successful investors need to possess three attributes: philosophy, strategy and discipline, and what does it mean?
  • What is index investing?
  • Where’s the border between index investing and active investing?
  • What is a typical way for index investors?
  • Does Rick believe that individual investor can have an active winning strategy and be able to use it?
  • What happens if everyone would invest following index philosophy?
  • How to acquire enough discipline to “stay the course”?
  • How should the correct way of building a portfolio look like?
  • Are bonds still useful in the era of very low interest rates?
  • Why is Jack Bogle such an icon in the investment world?

People mentioned in this episode

  • Warren Buffett
  • Wes Gray
  • John “Jack” Bogle
  • Eugene Fama
  • Kenneth French

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