
Just Keep Buying – that’s what Nick Maggiulli suggests when it comes to investing in his book. And it’s an excellent book because it treats investing straightforwardly and practically. Using hard data, Nick debunks myths in personal finance and investing. He answers questions, presents solutions, and gives effective ways to build wealth.

The problem of poor financial awareness in society results largely from the poor quality of education.

Education that discourages, not encourages. It complicates, not simplifies. Because of this, it reaches a small percentage of people. People are locked in their bubbles, where everyone supposedly knows what ETF, TER, SWR, maxDD, Sharpe, CAGR, etc. are.

This book is written in simple language, without unnecessary use of “expert” jargon. It takes into account the fact that the average person is NOT interested in the nuances of investing.

The book explains why there’s nothing wrong with it. At the same time, it shows with specific examples why investing is an important topic for each of us, even though we were never taught it in schools.

It proves that you don’t need to get a doctorate, and once a simple action plan in this area is set up, it can literally serve you for the rest of your life.

Notably, the book does not express empty opinions but presents hard facts and evidence based in data.

I strongly recommend it. 🙂👍

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Shrouded in mystery and even more misunderstanding, hedge funds have always been very limited for the average investor. Whether for regulatory reasons or because of high capital requirements. But with the revolution started by ETFs, they are now available to the masses. Today, with literally a few dozen dollars in your pocket, you can invest in the same things as hedge funds.

The hedge fund industry is burdened with one big sin: high management costs – just like in classic investment funds. This is probably the main source of their numerous failures. But something has been changing here for years, paradoxically partly thanks to the ongoing passive revolution (i.e.: index products). Management costs are falling, and according to Morningstar, the current average management cost among hedge funds is approximately 1.6% per year. Yes – it is still a lot if compared to passive stock ETFs, where the cost may be lower than 0.1% per year.

For several years, strategies implemented by hedge funds in the ETF package have been beginning to appear – the so-called managed futures ETFs. Here, management costs dropped below 1% per year.

Today, I invite you to an interview with Andrew Beer – a man with 30 years of experience in the hedge fund industry. Some people even call him the “John Bogle of hedge funds” because he offers a very cheap (for this class of strategy) ETF.

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When we are talking about a strategy in investing, it is often perceived as a mechanism for generating a buy signal. In fact, this is not the most critical aspect in the entire investment process. Today I am pleased to invite you to an interview I had with Tom Basso – a practitioner with almost 50 years of market experience. He is a well-known person in the industry, especially if someone is interested in trend-following strategies.

In the background of our discussion is Tom’s latest book, The All-Weather Trader.

In addition to discussing the strategies used by Tom, we talk about passive investing. Tom is not a fan of this approach, so I ask why.

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